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Green Coffee Beans

Company: Aicasa Export S.A.




Roasted & Ground Coffee

Company: Naranjillo


Product: Roaested & Ground Coffee

Cocoa Beans

Company: Machu Picchu Foods


Product: Our beans are 100% Peruvian and excellent quality; thoroughly cleaned, properly fermented, dried and shelled. They are ready to be used for the production of liquor, butter, cake and cocoa powder.

Coffee from Villa Rica

Café de Villa Rica

Product: Our farm grows large hectares of arabica coffee (100%) in three varieties: typical caturra and pache. Coffee Omagua is characterized by non-use of chemical fertilizers, resulting in a high quality natural taste and aroma.

Nuestra finca cultiva grandes hectáreas de café tipo arábica (100%) en sus tres variedades: típico, caturra y pache. Café Omagua se caracteriza por la no utilización de fertilizantes químicos,resultando en un sabor natural de excelente calidad y aroma. 

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La Cooperativa Agraria Industrial Naranjillo Ltd. is dedicated to the collection, processing and marketing of cocoa, coffee and other agricultural products from their partners.



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We are a family owned business originated from Quillabamba, a city located in La Convencion Valley (Cusco - Peru)

AICA S.A. is dedicated to trade and supplying of raw materials such as parchment coffee, annatto seeds, turmeric, among others.

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